5 Businesses Taking an Inventive Approach to Reopening Society

From transparent face masks to social distancing monitors, here are our favourite temporary Covid-19 creative solutions.

3 min readJun 17, 2020
Photo: Igor Starkov for Unsplash

Coronavirus and the UK lockdown caused several problems for everyone, preventing us from carry out our everyday lives. This situation sparked the imagination of some, who have developed innovative ideas to overcome the new challenges. We have loved seeing these come to fruition in recent weeks, showing the good that can come out of bad situations.

Transparent face masks from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL).

Face masks weren’t common in the UK prior to Coronavirus, but now they’re here to stay (for a little while at least). Opaque face masks are the most common, although, they cover half of your face and facial expressions which can seem dehumanising. Covering people’s mouths also cause issues for the deaf community and can have negative impacts on the development of babies. Therefore, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) has developed a transparent face mask. Their aim is to make interactions between medical workers and their patients more personable which is why they’re and rolling out to the medical community first.

Photo: Fast Company: Lilly Smith. 11.06.2020

Trentbarton’s informative bus timetables

Returning to a new normal includes working out efficient but safe ways to start using public transport. Trentbarton are a local bus company serving the East Midlands who have recreated their bus timetable to highlight how busy each route is. This enables flexible travellers to avoid busy times and keep themselves, and others, as safe as possible during their journey.

No Hands Door Pull’s solution to door handles

Door handles are a breeding ground for germs and pose the threat of quick spreading of Coronavirus as we restart society. No Hands Door Pull have developed a door handle alternative, enabling people to open doors using their foot. This massively reduces the risk of Coronavirus being spread and is helping businesses meet regulations to reopen.

Photo: No Hands Door Pull

Rombit’s social distancing monitoring bracelets

In recent years, wearable technology has become increasingly popular. While many people want to return to work, some have concerns about how social distancing will be enforced. The technology company Rombit has developed their safety bracelet to help employees observe social distancing, providing a warning when two employees wearing the Rombit bracelet get too close. Additionally, allowing for contact tracing to be conducted if an employee becomes unwell with Coronavirus so that relevant employees can be asked to social distance.

Digital Verification Apps such as tested.me

With businesses starting to implement creative temporary solutions to ‘the new normal’, a digital health verification tool like tested.me is an ideal next step for long-term social responsibility and safety. You can track who’s been in your building and verify business-critical visitor and employee health data all in one place.

Ready to get started? Sign up to hear more and claim your digital health profile with a symbol that’s as unique as you are.

Photo: tested.me



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